Competition Law. Protection of Competition


Service List:

Consulting on Competition Law Compliance
Obtaining Approvals for Concentration and Coordinated Actions
Representation of Defendants in AMCU Investigations
Protecting Business Interests in Unfair Competition Cases before AMCU and Courts
Compliance Audits with Competition Legislation
Development of Competitive and Competition Policies for Enterprises
Challenging Public Procurement Results before AMCU and in Court

The practice team

The competition law specialists at ARMADA have experience supporting both national and global businesses in the areas of competition and compliance with competition regulations.

The practice team has managed a range of client projects, including mergers, cartels, concentrations, public procurement issues, and protection against unfair competition.

Ihor Oborotov

Co-Managing Partner, PhD in Law, Attorney at Law

Practice areas: Agrarian and Land Law, Taxes and Tax Consulting, Competition Law

Olesia Hitolendiia

Senior Lawyer

Practice areas: Legal Support and Dispute Resolution, Competition Law, Compensation for War Damage

We will protect your right to fair competition!

Our expertise

We are trusted

The company’s client pool includes industry leaders, international and Ukrainian companies that are large taxpayers




Advantages of Cooperation


Focus on results

We prioritize resolving your issue in the shortest and most efficient manner possible. Our focus on results directly impacts the cost of our services. We are committed to quickly resolving matters and minimizing our own time expenditure.

Free Preliminary Case Analysis

We do not charge for the preliminary analysis of your documents. It is also important for us to assess whether we can genuinely assist you. First, we ensure that the issue can be resolved in your favor before proposing a formal agreement.

Throughput capabilities

Unlike solo practitioners, we have a robust corporate structure. Our firm currently has over 40 lawyers and attorneys, demonstrating our substantial throughput capabilities to handle cases.


Our company takes a proactive stance in business consulting. Over the past 5 years, we have organized more than 100 specialized events attended by over 10,000 participants. You can explore our webinars through this link. Additionally, our tax practice attorneys serve as lecturers for fellow lawyers at the Business Consulting Academy, participate in government roundtables, and speak at professional conferences with tax authority representatives.

Systematic Approach

We are a systematic company that manages projects in CRM and continuously monitors the status of your case. This approach eliminates the “human factor” and prevents missed procedural deadlines.

Contact us

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