Taxes and tax consulting. Tax planning and business structuring


Specialists of the Taxes and Tax Consulting practice of ARMADA Law Firm have high expertise in business advisory support, tax planning and appealing against actions of tax authorities.

We have many years of positive experience in providing legal support to taxpayers and are among the TOP-10 law firms in Ukraine in tax practice in 2023.


Providing advice and recommendations on tax structuring of business

Development of schemes for legal tax optimisation. Ongoing tax consulting for business.

Support of the company during unscheduled and actual tax inspections:

  • analysis of the request for information;
  • analysing the legality of the grounds for the inspection and the powers of the inspectors;
  • preparation of explanations and supporting documentation to be provided to the inspectors during the inspection;
  • advising the company’s accountant on the provision/non-provision of documents at the request of the tax authorities;
  • preparation of objections to the inspection report;
  • participation in consideration of objections to the tax inspection report;
  • providing legal services during actual inspections (sale and storage of excisable goods);
  • appealing against the results of actual inspections in administrative and judicial proceedings.


Preparation and support of the company during scheduled tax inspections:

  • legal and accounting audit of the company’s business activities;
  • analysis of primary accounting documents for the period to be inspected;
  • preparation of recommendations for optimising the company’s document flow;
  • development of necessary documentation (contracts, acts, orders, instructions, etc.);
  • preparation of written explanations and responses to tax authorities’ inquiries;
  • support during the inspection, providing advice to the accountant;
  • preparation of objections to the inspection report;
  • participation in consideration of objections to the tax inspection report.


Appealing tax assessment notices in administrative and judicial proceedings:

  • analysing the inspection report and tax assessment notices issued as a result of the inspection;
  • preparation of a legal position on appealing against the decisions;
  • preparation of a complaint to the State Tax Service of Ukraine regarding the cancellation of tax authorities’ decisions;
  • preparation of a statement of claim and its submission to the court;
  • judicial support of the case in a “turnkey” format in the first, appellate and cassation instances.


Unblocking tax invoices and adjustment invoices:

  • preparation of detailed explanations after the suspension of registration of a tax invoice or adjustment invoice;
  • appealing against the decision to refuse to register a tax invoice to the State Tax Service commission;
  • preparing a statement of claim to cancel the decision of the State Tax Service in court;
  • legal support of the case in a “turnkey” format in the first, appellate and cassation instances.


Appealing against tax authorities' decisions to classify a company as a risky one:

  • analysing the decision and preparing a legal position;
  • preparation of a complaint to the State Tax Service of Ukraine to cancel the decision;
  • preparation of a statement of claim for cancellation of the State Tax Service’s decision in court;
  • “turnkey” judicial support of the case in the first instance, appellate and cassation instances.


Preparation of the VAT payer data table

  • preparation of the VAT payer data table and its submission;
  • appealing against decisions on refusal to take into account the data table in administrative and judicial proceedings;
  • advising on the preparation of the VAT data table.


Transfer pricing (TP)

  • identification of controlled transactions and ensuring of compliance with TP legislation
  • identification of risks (sensitivity analysis of changes);
  • preparation of a package of TP documents;
  • preparation of a report on controlled transactions;
  • preparation of a report on controlled foreign companies;
  • support in the preparation of agreements on preliminary pricing approval;
  • advising on TP issues.

The practice team

The lawyers and attorneys of Taxes and Tax Consulting practice have extensive experience in current business consulting, appealing against unlawful actions of the tax authorities, supporting taxpayers during tax inspections and advising on tax structuring of business and transfer pricing.

Анастасія Луук

Anastasiia Luuk

Co-Managing Partner, Attorney at Law, TOP-25 Ukrainian Women in Law 2023, TOP-20 Best Lawyers of Ukraine in Tax Practice 2023

Practice areas: Taxes and Tax Consulting, Military Law, Intellectual Property

Олександр Кузнєцов

Oleksandr Kuznietsov

Managing Partner, TOP-100 Best Lawyers of Ukraine 2023, TOP-10 Best Lawyers of Ukraine in War Damage Compensation Practice

Practice areas: Taxes and Tax Consulting, International Arbitration and Legal Disputes, Compensation for War Damage

Ihor Oborotov

Co-Managing Partner, PhD in Law, Attorney at Law

Practice areas: Agrarian and Land Law, Taxes and Tax Consulting, Competition Law

Андрій Юрін

Andrii Yurin

Attorney at Law

Practice areas: Taxes and Tax Consulting, Comprehensive Business Protection

Олександр Шумський

Oleksandr Shumskyi

Attorney at Law

Practice areas: Taxes and Tax Consulting, Corporate Law, M&A

Олена Босонченко

Olena Bosonchenko

Attorney at Law

Practice areas: Agrarian and Land Law, Corporate Law, M&A, Comprehensive Business Protection, Taxes and Tax Consulting

Вадим Чорний

Vadym Chornyi

Lawyer, TOP-10 Best Lawyers in Ukraine in Military Law 2023

Practice areas: Military law, Taxes and Tax Consulting

Вікторія Сурма

Viktoriia Surma


Practice areas: Taxes and Tax Consulting, Comprehensive Business Protection

Данило Суховій

Danylo Sukhovii


Practice areas: Taxes and Tax Consulting, Comprehensive Business Protection

Катерина Жук

Kateryna Zhuk


Practice areas: Taxes and Tax Consulting

Климентій Караченцев

Klementiy Karachentsev


Practice areas: Taxes and Tax Consulting, Legal Support and Dispute Resolution

Entrust us with tax optimisation of your company! We will save you time and money

Our expertise

ARMADA Law Firm is a leader in the field of taxes and tax consulting according to the ranking of Ukrainian law firms.

Co-managing partner of ARMADA Law Firm Anastasiia Luuk was ranked among TOP-30 lawyers of Ukraine in tax practice. Managing Partner of ARMADA Law Firm Oleksandr Kuznietsov was listed in TOP-100 Lawyers of Ukraine in 2023.

Our cases

Анастасія Луук

Anastasiia Luuk

Co-managing partner, attorney at law, head of practice

Contact us

By filling out the form, you agree to transfer your personal data for further use by “ARMADA Law Firm” LLC in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” No. 2297-VI of 01.06.2010.

    We are trusted

    The company’s client pool includes industry leaders, international and Ukrainian companies that are large taxpayers




    Recordings of webinars on tax law

    Webinars of the “ARMADA” Law Firm on tax law.

    Вебінар Розблокування податкових накладних: відповіді на болючі питання

    Unblocking tax invoices: answers to painful questions

    Як розблокувати податкову накладну за новим алгоритмом

    How to unblock a tax invoice using the new algorithm

    Розблокування податкових накладних: огляд останніх змін процедури

    Unblocking tax invoices: an overview of recent changes to the procedure

    Client feedback

    Інна Хорішко

    Our company received a decision on the compliance of the VAT payer with the riskiness criteria. Since we had no experience in how to act in order to get rid of this status, and every day of being a ‘risky’ taxpayer results in blocking of TI/CC and losses, we turned to Armada Law Firm for professional assistance.

    The company’s lawyers processed a large amount of primary documentation and prepared information on non-compliance with the riskiness criteria. This was a truly colossal job, as the information was presented on more than 20 pages.

    As a result of such hard work of Armada’s team, the State Tax Service commission decided that our company did not meet the riskiness criteria of a taxpayer. We are grateful to Armada for their professional approach and focus on results.


    Inna Khorishko,
    Chief Accountant of “Simuran” LLC

    Сергій Робул

    We have been cooperating with ARMADA Law Firm for several years already. Our company is engaged in trade, and therefore, unfortunately, very often faces the problem of blocked tax invoices. Armada’s qualified lawyers come to the rescue. During the period of our cooperation, Armada’s lawyers have unblocked tax invoices worth more than UAH 5,000,000.

    We like the dedication with which the lawyers approach each case: they analyse, help to collect a reliable package of documents, prepare high-quality explanations, detailed complaints and do their best to unblock tax invoices without bringing the case to court. And even if it comes to court, we are calm, because with Armada’s team we are confident of our victory in court!

    The reliable assistance of Armada allows us to keep our counterparties, save our time and money and focus on the development of our company.


    Serhii Robul,
    Director of “Accord Group” LLC

    Людмила Терещенко

    Having constant problems with the blocking of tax invoices, we turned to Armada Law Firm for help in submitting the VAT payer data tables. After consulting with the lawyers, we decided to submit a table under the code 81.30 and another under the code 42.11.

    Armada’s lawyers analysed the company’s documentation, collected and prepared packages of documents and prepared detailed and substantiated explanations for the two data tables.

    This is indeed a very thorough work, as the lawyers described in detail the information about our company, the available material and technical base, human resources, business operations of the company.

    As a result of the high-quality explanations prepared by Armada’s lawyers, we received a decision to take into account two data tables. This is really a very good result, because now we have the opportunity to work without blocking tax invoices!


    Liudmyla Tereshchenko,
    Director of “Remdorstroy Plus” LLC

    Contact us

    By filling out the form, you agree to transfer your personal data for further use by “ARMADA Law Firm” LLC in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” No. 2297-VI of 01.06.2010.

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      A Telegram channel dedicated entirely to taxes. In the channel, we publish an overview of legislative news, expert articles by lawyers and attorneys, analyse practical cases and share valuable information.

      Subscribe to the “Статки – Податки” (“Statky – Podatky”) channel