Our team

Our company is comprised of highly professional and motivated specialists. ARMADA has combined many years of experience of leading lawyers and attorneys to solve the most ambitious goals and objectives of our clients.

Олександр Кузнєцов

Oleksandr Kuznietsov

Managing Partner, TOP-100 Best Lawyers of Ukraine 2023, TOP-10 Best Lawyers of Ukraine in War Damage Compensation Practice

Practice areas: Taxes and Tax Consulting, International Arbitration and Legal Disputes, Compensation for War Damage

Анастасія Луук

Anastasiia Luuk

Co-Managing Partner, Attorney at Law, TOP-25 Ukrainian Women in Law 2023, TOP-20 Best Lawyers of Ukraine in Tax Practice 2023

Practice areas: Taxes and Tax Consulting, Military Law, Intellectual Property

Ілля Шевченко

Illia Shevchenko

Co-Managing Partner, Attorney at Law, TOP-30 Best Lawyers of Ukraine in Legal Disputes 2023

Practice areas: Legal Support and Dispute Resolution, International Arbitration and Legal Disputes, Compensation for War Damage

Ihor Oborotov

Co-Managing Partner, PhD in Law, Attorney at Law

Practice areas: Agrarian and Land Law, Taxes and Tax Consulting, Competition Law

Oksana Yelenych

Senior Partner of Labor and Employment Practice at ARMADA Law Firm, Attorney at Law, TOP-20 Best Lawyers of Ukraine in Labor and Migration Law 2023

Practice areas: Labor and Employment, Legal Support and Dispute Resolution

Орест Бумба

Orest Bumba

Counsel, TOP-30 Best Lawyers of Ukraine under 30 2023

Practice areas: Legal Support and Dispute Resolution, Compensation for War Damage

Валентин Гамей

Valentyn Hamei


Practice areas: Legal Support and Dispute Resolution

Valentyna Ponomarenko

Senior Partner of Agrarian and Land Law Practice

Practice areas: Agrarian and Land Law, Corporate Law, M&A, Comprehensive Business Protection

Богдан Саліхов

Bohdan Salikhov

Attorney at Law

Practice areas: Legal Support and Dispute Resolution

Андрій Юрін

Andrii Yurin

Attorney at Law

Practice areas: Taxes and Tax Consulting, Comprehensive Business Protection

Олена Босонченко

Olena Bosonchenko

Attorney at Law

Practice areas: Agrarian and Land Law, Corporate Law, M&A, Comprehensive Business Protection, Taxes and Tax Consulting

Олександр Шумський

Oleksandr Shumskyi

Attorney at Law

Practice areas: Taxes and Tax Consulting, Corporate Law, M&A

Андрій Іванець

Andrii Ivanets

Counsel, TOP-20 Best Lawyers of Ukraine in Criminal Law 2022

Practice areas: Criminal Law and Procedure

Віктор Дасюк

Viktor Dasiuk

Counsel, PhD in Law, Attorney at Law

Practice areas: Criminal Law and Procedure

Борис Калініченко

Borys Kalinichenko

Attorney at Law

Practice areas: Legal Support and Dispute Resolution

Станіслав Лущенков

Stanislav Lushchenkov

Attorney at Law

Practice areas: Legal Support and Dispute Resolution, Real Estate and Construction

Вадим Чорний

Vadym Chornyi

Lawyer, TOP-10 Best Lawyers in Ukraine in Military Law 2023

Practice areas: Military law, Taxes and Tax Consulting

Валентин Карасьов

Valentyn Karasiov

Senior Lawyer

Practice areas: Legal Support and Dispute Resolution, Compensation for War Damage, Comprehensive Business Protection

Olesia Hitolendiia

Senior Lawyer

Practice areas: Legal Support and Dispute Resolution, Competition Law, Compensation for War Damage

Вікторія Сурма

Viktoriia Surma


Practice areas: Taxes and Tax Consulting, Comprehensive Business Protection

Данило Суховій

Danylo Sukhovii


Practice areas: Taxes and Tax Consulting, Comprehensive Business Protection

Андрій Секрета

Andrii Sekreta


Practice areas: Taxes and Tax Consulting, Legal Support and Dispute Resolution

Катерина Григор'єва

Kateryna Hryhorieva


Practice areas: Legal Support and Dispute Resolution

Катерина Жук

Kateryna Zhuk


Practice areas: Taxes and Tax Consulting

Дмитро Барамошкін

Dmytro Baramoshkin


Practice areas: Legal Support and Dispute Resolution

Join Our Team

Наталія Кононенко
Nataliia Kononenko, HR Director at ARMADA Law Firm:
“Our company is constantly looking for talented, highly competent and qualified professionals.

If you want to become a part of a proactive team of industry leaders, please visit the “Career” section”