Fixation and compensation for losses incurred by business caused by hostilities

Recovery of monetary compensation from the aggressor country


ARMADA Law Firm is a leading company in the practice of fixing and compensating war damage in Ukraine.

Currently, the company is supporting more than 80 projects with a total amount of direct losses of EUR 1.9 billion.

Specialists of the war damage compensation practice will analyse your case and offer the most promising strategy aimed at obtaining compensation for the damage caused by the war.


Fixing the evidence base

A reliable evidence base is the key to success in the subsequent procedure for obtaining compensation. The attorneys of the “ARMADA” Law Firm will help you confirm the fact of damage, the size and amount of damage, as well as document the violation of your rights and the guilt of the russian federation.

We will organize an expert assessment of the damage you have suffered (including in the occupied territories) at the current market or replacement cost. This will help you to receive compensation not at the lowered book value, but to reimburse the fair market value of the lost assets.


Tax optimization and documentary support for the write-off of lost assets

The practice’s attorneys will help you document the write-off of lost assets. We will formulate a proper legal position that will protect the company during a tax audit and lay the proper foundation for cancelling tax decisions in case of additional tax liabilities.

Litigation against russia in Ukrainian courts

We will provide “turnkey” legal support in litigation against the russian federation in Ukraine and further enforcement of the judgment.

The general mechanism of judicial protection is currently considered one of the most promising ways to further compensate for damages from the hostilities. Court decisions in Ukraine are binding, and no one can refute the facts set forth in a court decision that has entered into force.

Therefore, obtaining a court decision to recover from russia the number of damages is one of the most reliable options for fixing the losses caused by the war. In addition, due to the international agreements concluded, court decisions obtained in Ukraine can be further enforced in other countries, primarily in the allied countries (Poland, the United Kingdom, the United States, Estonia, Latvia and many others).


Filing an application against russia with the European Court of Human Rights

The ECHR is one of the most authoritative courts in the world. This court has considered individual and international disputes in many military conflicts. The European Court has ruled on fair compensation for violations of the rights of individuals and legal entities after the conflicts in Nagorno-Karabakh, Iraq, Cyprus, and many others. The ECHR judgment will help maximize the chances of successfully obtaining compensation for your losses.

Our attorneys will prepare an application to the ECHR and support the process of consideration on a “turnkey” basis.


Investment arbitration

The experience of previous years proves that investment arbitration is one of the most effective ways to recover compensation from russia for property remaining in the temporarily occupied territories. Some Ukrainian companies that had assets in Crimea have already “paved” this path and obtained (and enforced) investment arbitration decisions against russia.

We will provide comprehensive legal support of the investment arbitration procedure, starting from the initial notification to the future respondent – the russian federation, and ending with the receipt of the decision and its further enforcement.


Support for the execution of a court decision

We are highly result-oriented and want to accompany your project to its logical conclusion – your company’s receipt of funds for the destroyed assets.

Our attorneys will provide comprehensive legal support for the enforcement of a court decision (both in Ukraine and abroad) and help you obtain compensation for losses incurred as a result of military operations.


Legal support of interaction with litigation financing funds

Litigation and enforcement of court decisions abroad, especially in the United States and the United Kingdom, is a costly process. Therefore, special investment funds have long existed in the West that cover all expenses under a “success fee” – a certain percentage of the compensation received. Sometimes cooperation with such a fund is the best option for a company that has suffered significant losses but does not want to budget a large amount of money for litigation support.

In this case, our lawyers will fully organize the process of interaction with one of these funds, provide a legal opinion on the prospects of the case and ensure the formation of a reliable evidence base, which will significantly increase your chances of successful interaction with the fund.

Our practice team

The practice team of fixing and compensation of damages to business caused by military actions of “ARMADA” Law Firm was one of the first to study the topic of compensation for war damages back in March 2022.

Олександр Кузнєцов

Oleksandr Kuznietsov

Managing Partner, TOP-100 Best Lawyers of Ukraine 2023, TOP-10 Best Lawyers of Ukraine in War Damage Compensation Practice

Practice areas: Taxes and Tax Consulting, International Arbitration and Legal Disputes, Compensation for War Damage

Ілля Шевченко

Illia Shevchenko

Co-Managing Partner, Attorney at Law, TOP-30 Best Lawyers of Ukraine in Legal Disputes 2023

Practice areas: Legal Support and Dispute Resolution, International Arbitration and Legal Disputes, Compensation for War Damage

Орест Бумба

Orest Bumba

Counsel, TOP-30 Best Lawyers of Ukraine under 30 2023

Practice areas: Legal Support and Dispute Resolution, Compensation for War Damage

Валентин Карасьов

Valentyn Karasiov

Senior Lawyer

Practice areas: Legal Support and Dispute Resolution, Compensation for War Damage, Comprehensive Business Protection

Olesia Hitolendiia

Senior Lawyer

Practice areas: Legal Support and Dispute Resolution, Competition Law, Compensation for War Damage

We will help you to fix the damage to your company and get a monetary compensation!

Our expertise

ARMADA Law Firm is one of the leading companies in the Compensation for War Damage Practice.

Managing Partner of ARMADA Law Firm Oleksandr Kuznietsov was listed in TOP-100 Lawyers of Ukraine in 2023. Co-managing partner of ARMADA Law Firm Illia Shevchenko is ranked among the TOP-30 lawyers of Ukraine in Litigation. Orest Bumba, Counsel at ARMADA Law Firm, is ranked among the TOP-30 best lawyers of Ukraine under 30 in 2023.

We are trusted

The company’s client pool includes industry leaders, international and Ukrainian companies that are large taxpayers




Our cases

Ілля Шевченко

Illia Shevchenko

Co-Managing Partner, Head of Compensation for War Damage Practice
Олександр Кузнєцов

Oleksandr Kuznietsov

Managing partner of the company
ARMADA provides legal support for the procedure of fixing the damages caused to the agro-industrial holding “MHP” as a result of military actions in the total amount of more than USD 55 million and represents the client’s interests in the European Court of Human Rights and in Ukrainian courts.
ARMADA provides legal advice to “lifecell”, a national mobile operator, on compensation for damages caused by the loss of communication network stations located in the temporarily occupied territories.
ARMADA represents the interests of the owner of a shopping center in Bucha with an area of more than 7000 square meters, which was damaged as a result of the armed aggression of the russian federation. The confirmed amount of damage is about USD 5 million. Our attorneys represent the owner’s interests in the European Court of Human Rights.
ARMADA represents the interests of the national supermarket chain VARUS in claims against the russian federation for compensation for damages caused by the temporary occupation of a part of the territory of Ukraine.
Big Harvest Group
ARMADA provides comprehensive legal support in litigations in Ukraine and Europe against the russian federation for the agricultural holding B.I.G. Harvest Group regarding compensation for damages incurred as a result of military operations and temporary occupation of territories.
ARMADA provides comprehensive support in the procedure of compensation for damages caused by military actions of the largest national manufacturer of cast tableware, «BIOL» LLC. Our attorneys-at-law support litigation in the interests of the client in Ukraine and abroad.
ARMADA represents the interests of Ukraine’s largest distributor of automotive components, «OMEGA» LLC, in litigation worth over USD 3.5 million in Ukrainian courts and abroad.

Contact us

By filling out the form, you agree to transfer your personal data for further use by “ARMADA Law Firm” LLC in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” No. 2297-VI of 01.06.2010.

    Advantages of cooperation with our company


    Focus on results

    For us, the result is to help your company receive monetary compensation for the destroyed property. Process for the sake of process is not interesting. That is why we are actively working to expand the options for enforcing court decisions.

    Systematic approach

    We are a systematic company that carries out project work in the CRM system, constantly monitors the status of your case, and therefore qualitatively differs from competitors in the level of immersion in your project.


    Our company is No. 1 in the Fixation and Compensation for War Damage Practice according to the results of a study of the professional legal services market conducted by the all-Ukrainian professional legal publication «Yurydychna Hazeta»

    Loyalty in pricing

    We have a flexible pricing system that depends on the size of your project. The cost of services has a fixed part and a progressive part (the so-called “success fee”). The use of a mixed system of payment for our services allows you to plan your own expenses, and it allows us to maintain high motivation in achieving results.

    We play on the same team

    In the course of resolving the issue of fixing and compensating damages, we work closely with the company’s accounting department, help to collect the necessary documents, and create those documents that the company does not have (lost as a result of the occupation, located in the temporarily occupied territory, or destroyed).
    By the way, in the course of the project, we always propose and implement actions that help to systematise the document flow in the future.

    Comprehensive service

    We guide all clients dealing with the issue of fixing and compensating damages to the final result. Unlike many colleagues, we do not break down the stages of collecting evidence and litigation, but accompany you until you receive a decision, which we will then enforce.


    We were one of the first to study the topic of Compensation for War Damage back in March 2022. Our company has supported more than 60 large-scale damage compensation projects with a total value of lost assets of more than EUR 1.2 billion.

    We work with the world's best contractors

    Our company cooperates with leading companies in the US, UK, Germany, Poland, and the UAE, which is extremely important in terms of enforcing court decisions by collecting russian assets located abroad.
    We have established business relationships with partners who have already supported Ukrainian court decisions in favour of our clients.


    Our company takes a proactive stance in the issues of Fixation and Compensation for War Damage Practice and since April 2022 has held more than 20 thematic events attended by more than 12,000 viewers. You can watch the webinars held by the company by following this link. Also, attorneys of the Fixation and Compensation for War Damage Practice act as lecturers for fellow lawyers at the Business Consulting Academy, government roundtables, professional conferences, etc.

    Throughput capabilities

    Unlike self-employed lawyers and attorneys, we have a strong corporate structure. Currently, the company employs more than 40 lawyers and attorneys, which means that we have high throughput capabilities. A separate project team of lawyers and attorneys has been formed within the company to provide the service of Fixation and Compensation for War Damage, which is exclusively dedicated to this area of work. This means that the risk of missing procedural deadlines when preparing explanations, complaints or claims is reduced to zero.

    Free analysis

    Unlike our competitors, we never charge for a preliminary analysis of documents and client case. It is important for us to make sure that we can really help our clients. Therefore, we carefully study your request, formulate a legal position and only then conclude a cooperation agreement.

    The company's social mission

    We want to punish russia. For this purpose, we are doing everything in our power. We will bring the aggressor to justice in all possible judicial institutions, both in Ukraine and around the world. russia must pay for everything it has done!

    Our experience

    10% of applications as admissible and opens proceedings. The remaining 90% are left without consideration.

    In our eComms (electronic office of an attorney at the ECHR) are more than 30 open proceedings against russia, and there are not a single rejection.

    Наш досвід

    Useful Information

    What You Need to Know About the Procedure for Recording and Compensating Damages.

    Особливості фіксації та відшкодування збитків, завданих війною

    Features of Recording and Compensating War Damages.

    Відшкодування воєнних збитків: перша відповідь рф в суді, Міжнародний реєстр збитків

    Compensation for War Damages: First Response of the russian federation in Court, International Register of Damages.

    Воєнні збитки: як отримати компенсацію за зруйноване майно підприємства

    War Damages: How to Get Compensation for Destroyed Business Property.

    Репарації live

    Subscribe to the Telegram channel about war damage compensation

    A Telegram channel entirely dedicated to issues of war damage compensation.

    On the channel, we publish news reviews related to reparations, asset seizures of russia, and discuss practical cases.

    Contact us

    By filling out the form, you agree to transfer your personal data for further use by “ARMADA Law Firm” LLC in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” No. 2297-VI of 01.06.2010.